Sunday, July 4, 2021

Visual/ Spatial Intelligence

 Visual/ Spatial Intelligence

According to Howard Gardner's Theory of Intelligence, out of the 9 types of intelligence, one is visual or spatial intelligence. This type of intelligence is meant to be for those who learn things by visualizing them. Such learners understand and learn things quicker if they are presented to them visually. Such people like to build, draw, create and design new things. They believe in what they see. Things tend to be simple for such people as they do not complicate things by thinking way beyond what they see. They're good at solving puzzles, mazes, graphs and chart reading.

Characteristics of Visual/ Spatial learners are (Source);

  • Daydreaming
  • Imagination
  • Change Sensing
  • Movie Watching

Educational Perspective:

Students with this learning style learn faster when they're shown something with visual demonstration. Teachers can use a number of techniques to teach such students;

  • Visuals
  • Graphs
  • Charts
  • Videos
  • PowerPoint Presentations
  • Posters
  • Sight Seeing
Activity for Visual Learners:

Grade: 2

Subject: Environmental Studies

Topic: Pollution


The students will be taken to a field trip to explore different types of pollution. They will be delivered a lecture before the trip and then will be asked to identify types of pollution on the way to the field and at the field as well. The field will be a brick kiln or a nearby factory.

Interpersonal Intelligence

 Interpersonal Intelligence

According to Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory, interpersonal intelligence is the type of intelligence in which a person learns and demonstrates his skills well in group activities or team work. These people are familiar with how others feel and how they react. Such people have exceptional social and communication skills. They can be social moderators. They're friendly in nature and everyone feels comfortable being around them. Man is a social animal and if someone who knows how and when to interact with people then this can be a really good skill that a person can have.

Some characteristics of those having interpersonal intelligence are (Source);

  • Understanding
  • Excellent Communication Skills
  • Mediators (Conflict Resolvers)

Educational Perspective:

These students learn well in groups hence there's a different set of techniques that a teacher can use to teach such students;

  • Collaborative Learning
  • Group Activities
  • Debates
  • Plays
Activity for Interpersonal Learners:

Grade: 11th

Subject: Chemistry

Topic: Types of Bonding


The students need to work in the form of groups (3-4 people) and design a model and group presentation on the structure of sodium chloride. They need to look into the bonds between Na-Na, Na-Cl and Cl-Cl and the bonds between the molecules of NaCl. They need to think out of the box and the presentation can include a short video or roleplay as well.

Intrapersonal Intelligence

 Intrapersonal Intelligence

According to Howard Gardner, out of the 9 intelligence types that a human being can have, a really important one is Intrapersonal intelligence. It is important to know about others and the environment but it is more important to know about self. A person, if he knows about himself, can excel in life with a greater probability than the one who doesn't know himself. People with intrapersonal intelligence are reflective, introspective and independent. They know what they want and how they feel. A major issue in today's world is that people don't know about how they feel and what they want. Those with this type of intelligence are less likely to be depressed as they can work on their wants and needs after analyzing them.

Some other factors in those having Intrapersonal intelligence are (Source);

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self Regulation
  • Motivation
  • Empathy

Educational Perspective:

These students are self learners and there are specific ways that a teacher can use to teach these types of learners. Those ways include:
  • Student-Centered Learning
  • Individual Projects
  • Individual Assessments
Activity for Intrapersonal Learners:

Grade: 9th

Subject: Biology

Topic: Human Respiratory System

Activity: The student needs to create a model of human respiratory system by using different materials.

Note: The material does not have to be expensive.

Also, a presentation needs to be prepared along with the model for assessment and notes in the form of a journal will be taken about the whole experience of making the project and learning the topic.

Visual/ Spatial Intelligence

 Visual/ Spatial Intelligence A ccording to Howard Gardner's Theory of Intelligence, out of the 9 types of intelligence, one is visual o...